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FROM: 0553383582@...
TO: alt.oneirology.entheogens
SUB: RE: Looking for Goldwhite@...

>> The company name is Terra Ternaria. Based in Mexico. No website listed on the packaging.

Where in Mexico? Does the label say? Or just that ubiquitous "Made in Mexico." Christ, that could be anywhere.

I couldn't find much on Google, but a LexisNexis search turned up a few articles about Terra Ternaria. Fluff pieces mainly, and it seems like, as a company, Terra Ternaria came and went pretty quickly. Last mention was about four years ago, and the first press release is about a year and a half before that. Based in Oaxaca.

Maybe these two are hoarding the entirety of the remaining supplement stock from the company. Maybe they're shareholders and they were paid off with vitamin packs.


"Wind is the opposite of my frog mask!" -i. anderson


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