The Oneiromantic Mosaic of Harry Potemkin was originally presented as a twelve-part serial at Farrago's Wainscot during their inaugural Exhibit in 2007. Mark Teppo wrote all the words, and Neal von Flue did the art. Editing was done by Darin Bradley. It is recast here in a historical edition via the gracious generosity of Old Man Farrago and his crack team of editors.
The print edition—The Potemkin Mosaic—is available at your local bookstore, your favorite online retailer, or directly from the author. The print edition is the 10-year anniversary edition, and it contains an extra dream not available in the online historical edition. Harry's adventure continues . . .
The Oneiromantic Mosaic of Harry Potemkin and all other content at is (c) 2008, 2023 by Mark Teppo.
contact: mark @