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FROM: radio_free_engineer@...
TO: alt.oneirology.entheogens
SUB: RE[4]: Harmless Supplements

>> It's in the Oneiroi.

Like Feral House was?

I've done some research of my own. Sorry (pk), if you and I hung out on the weekends and were part of the same sports betting pool, I probably would have taken your word for everything that you said, but . . .

Anyway, I wanted some independent verification of the story about Rose Bay, and I found enough to think that, if anything, (pk) is only giving us a small slice of the full story. Maybe he jumped ship before it got really ugly, or maybe he was only privy to what was happening to him and his friends. Doesn't really matter, 'cause there's some real juice in all the sealed court documents from a half dozen or so lawsuits brought against Dr. Herquiest and Rose Bay in '74 and '75.

If you read these docs with an eye to the conspiracy that (pk) has offered, then a lot of Dr. Herquiest's behavior—especially after being shit-canned by the BOD—starts to make sense. The good doctor may have lost his golden goose at Rose Bay, but that doesn't mean he didn't have options. I think (pk)'s assessment of the Doc's character is spot on. This guy was a piece of work, and from all of his statements made during the legal proceedings, it seems like he thinks he's one of the real victims here. I mean, this self-delusion became so pervasive in his arguments that more than one counsel for the defense wrote a statement considering the possibility that the case might be more successful if Dr. Herquiest was professionally examined and diagnosed as schizophrenic.

Yes, the good doctor was just as insane as the patients he was treating.

It turned out to be a good idea, and Dr. Herquiest was remanded—with a certificate of authenticity signed by one Dr. B. Versai of Las Vegas, Nevada, no less—to a private facility somewhere in Colorado. All further legal action—both criminal and civil—would have to do without the good doctor.

Cases were settled; Rose Bay closed down a few years later (the building was torn down in '92, and a bunch of cheap condos were thrown up); and all these records were stamped, sealed, and dumped in a Superior Court basement.

Good thing I have some clerking friends in the SF court system, as well as a pound of Burmese Kush that I certainly couldn't smoke by myself.

Anyway, the real kicker is that I found a photocopy of some notes that were used in the argument for Dr. Herquiest's mental instability. They were scraps of paper—pages torn out of hotel bibles, actually—that Dr. Herquiest had been stuffing under the mattresses in the hotel rooms he had been staying in. The report doesn't have any definitive explanation for them, but they look like the wish-fullfilment sigils used by chaos magicians (really, google up Peter Carroll if you're that skeptical). On all of these notes, said to be written by Dr. Herquiest himself, the 'a' is skewed.

Some of them are pretty badly written haiku (yet another example of questionable mental acuity), and a number of them reference "feral angels." They're like love letters: Where has my love gone? Why have you abandoned me? How long must I wait until you return? That sort of thing.

Anyway, to bring this back (commodius vicus of recirculation, I know) to the topic at hand, if Dr. Herquiest was being poisoned by Bleak Zero (even an early version of it), would his dementia manifest itself like this?

=On the RF

"'Di-di-dah-dit di-di-dah.' Now there's a signature for you." -Capt. Francis Spinder

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