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FROM: terminalx@...
TO: alt.oneirology.entheogens
SUB: RE[2]: Harmless Supplements

>> No one knows where I have buried the treasure. Babylon. Babble . . .

Shit. It's not a game. I've been trying to parse these messages. They're not just random text strings. They're actual responses to the thread, but they're just so cluttered that it's hard to suss out the actual reply.

We are being rewired. And it might not be isolated to us. I mean, go look at some of the spam you're getting that seems unsolicited, that looks like random junk mail. Those emails that don't appear to be selling anything, the ones that are just a bunch of text? I think those are cries for help. These people don't know it—and this is why Bruce seemed normal—but they're being rewritten. Something is changing their programming, and it is fucking with their language centers. Hell, they probably don't even realize they're sending out these emails.

Or, rather, maybe they do, because these notes are the only expression left of their original identity. These "spam bots" are personality zombies, and whatever contagion they've got, they're spreading it through email.

I mean, how else can it propagate? Most of this list has never met in meatspace, and we probably wouldn't know a fellow alt.o.e'er by sight anyway. If this is Bleak Zero, then it isn't in the water. It's not transmitted by bodily fluids or blowing snot across the room. It's moving through us—through everyone—via some other method.

-t to the x

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