FROM: heron74@...
TO: alt.oneirology.entheogens
SUB: RE[4]: Looking for Goldwhite@...

>> I found a yearly report too.

Shit, Daryl: don't try those packets! DON'T EAT THEM!

Does someone know how to contact Daryl directly? Does someone know him in meat space? He's right. Those packs aren't what they say.

Shit. Bernard Versai is listed as being on the Board of Directors for Terra Ternaria. You guys probably don't know who he is since he's been off the radar for, like, thirty years, but I do. Oh, yes, you mother-fucker, I know you.

Okay, here's the deal. He was never formally linked to what happened at Rose Bay. He claims he was never even licensed to practice in the state of California. But, a couple of post-docs at Rose Bay—they were getting their degrees from some dodgy school in Nevada—said he was their advisor, and that he set them up at Rose Bay. They claimed they were assisting him with some experimental treatment. After Frank died and the Berkeley police started asking harder questions, the two vanished. As far as I know, they were never found.

I've seen pictures of Versai. I was at Rose Bay. He was there. The son of a bitch was there. Whatever those two said they were doing, they probably were, and Versai was doing more than "advising" them—he was overseeing the whole experiment. They were doing strange shit with the 2nd floor, and they had plans for me and Jerry and Frank. I still don't know why they targeted us, but we were definitely targeted to receive some strange pharmaceuticals.

They killed Jerry. I don't care what the official record is. Jerry may have physically done the deed, but he wasn't home when it happened.

Do you see it now? Rose Bay -> Terra Ternaria -> Trinity Pharmacopoeia. They're all the same. Versai isn't listed on the BOD or officers list for Trinity Pharmacopoeia, but I know he's involved. Psychonaut23@... has been warning us all along, and this is why. Versai's research has always been about mind-control drugs, regardless of what his company's stated goals are.

Daryl. Someone find him, before it's too late.


"We'd all be taken more seriously if we had black halos." -Jerry McElholn