FROM: heron74@...
TO: alt.oneirology.entheogens
SUB: RE[2]: The Earnestness of Our Conversion

>> Some of us don't want to change the world. We just want it to go away. Let them fuck each other into oblivion.

You apparently don't understand the concept of "collateral damage," which doesn't surprise me since your tone seems to be childish and churlish enough to indicate that you don't remember the last time we sent our boys overseas. You know, that military effort to contain "them" so they could "fuck each other into oblivion." The one where we contributed to the death of more than a half million innocent civilians.

This isn't a private commune where we can lock the gates against those we don't like. The whole planet is our commune, and like it or not, we've got some responsibilities as its psychopharmacological stewards. Sure, we may have to drag them into the future, but that's the only way the future is going to arrive.

You're probably too young to remember Romero's original zombie film, but I'll try to make the analogy anyway. Remember when the survivors barricade themselves in the house? They nail the doors shut, and cover the windows with anything they can find. Remember how that one ends? Eventually the outsiders get in, eventually they batter themselves against your sanctuary long enough to break through. And then what happened?

Yeah, that's our fate if we try to pretend it isn't happening, and try to wait it out in our secret little caves.

- (pk)

"We'd all be taken more seriously if we had black halos." -Jerry McElholn