"What is the harm, ye ask, in not distinguishing oneself? If we do not distinguish, we get beyond our own nature, away from creatura. We fall into indistinctiveness, which is the other quality of the pleroma. We fall into the pleroma itself and cease to be creatures. We are given over to dissolution in the nothingness. This is the death of the creature. Therefore we die in such measure as we do not distinguish."

(from Septem Sermones ad Mortuos, written by Basilides in Alexandria, the City where the East touches the West)

i. White .|. Red

ii. Straight .|. Curved

iii. Key .|. Lock

iv. Anarchy .|. Rationalism

v. Rod .|. Cup

vi. Fortune .|. Fate

vii. Breath .|. Dust

viii. Mahapralaya .|. Om

ix. Dream .|. Death

x. Light .|. Shadow

xi. Mask .|. Reflection

xii. King .|. Queen

"The Twelve-Fold Facets define us to the Light Bringer and the Dark Dreamer; the measure of each is the weight which pulls us toward either extreme, and it is our Individuation that preserves our identity. We cannot stray too close to the light, nor fall too far into the darkness for that is to become indistinct from either. To become a Shadow is to enter Servitude; whether it is as a winged torchbearer or a broken souleater, it is to be less than a man."

(from Frater Croix-I-lux's monogram, De Matrimonium Mortis et Somni)