I hung on the tree for thrice three days.
Three days for my brother's regret,
Three days for my brother's brother's hubris,
And three days for my brother's brother's brother's pain.
Each day another drop of my blood nourished the tree.

On the first day, the tree spread its roots.
On the second day, it wrapped its bark around my wrists.
On the third day, it flowered.
The flowers turned to white snow on the fourth day.
The tree began to grow on the fifth day.
Nesting birds raised families in my palms on the sixth day.
On the seventh day, the tree touched the clouds.
The roots thickened on the eighth day.
On the ninth day, the tree pierced heaven.

I hung for nine days,
Waiting to be claimed by the light,
And my shadow still lingers in the bark of the tree.

The first is named Aegenus. The second son is Xernbawe. The last is Ghen. Each asked Father: "Am I your only child?" And to each, Father answered: "I see no other son but you."